Food Technology is offered in Poplar Education Unit as a therapeutic / recreational session one afternoon a week, it is built around the aims and attainment targets of the programmes of study for Design and Technology, Cooking and Nutrition. During these sessions a variety of dishes are prepared, these are then sampled and evaluated by all the students. There is the option for the students to obtain an ASDAN qualification during these sessions and this is actively encouraged.

They are taught to understand and apply the principles of nutition and health and understand source seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients.

The content of the sessions is aimed at the needs of the students, thus those that are aiming for independent living or supported living are encouraged to learn basic skills to enable them to support themselves. In all cases rigorous health and safety is observed and risk assessment undertaken.

A generic lesson plan is followed this encompasses the main aims of the sessions -


Students are risk assessed to take part in sessions prior to the lesson on the day. At least two members of staff are present during the sessions. The session’s content is decided on a weekly basis dependent on what students are taking part. (Health and safety, personal issues) Students are encouraged to research the recipes to be used; these will be relevant and directed to fit in with the overall aims of the sessions. When it is deemed appropriate, students will be taken to the local shops to purchase the ingredients. Costings are taken into account by asking the students to compare prices on the internet and in the shop (own brands) when shopping.

Each session is aimed at providing the students with key skills, for example:

Healthy Eating is introduced and promoted through the use of the healthy eating plan and where the recipes fit into a healthy lifestyle, also where they could be adapted to make the dish healthier.

Students are then asked to evaluate their own work and that of their peers.


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