Our Curriculum
Our curriculum balances two equally important elements:
Your Home School Curriculum
We liaise closely with your home school to ensure that, where possible, you can continue with the work you would be doing if you were still attending your own school. Home schools are encouraged to set work, attend review meetings and remain in contact throughout your stay in hospital. We have specialist teachers in English, Maths and Science as well as a range of other subjects. Consideration is always given to your mental health and care is taken not to over-stress you. We will talk to you about any difficulties you are having at school and where we feel changes to your programme would be beneficial to your well-being, we will discuss this with you, your family and your school.
Your Personal Curriculum
Your personal curriculum is an individualised curriculum based on your strengths and needs. It focuses on engagement, enrichment, personal development and supporting good mental health. Your key teacher will timetable this in consultation with you and the medical, nursing and therapy teams. There are six different elements and everyone's timetable will include a number of these. Your key teachers will review the timetables regularly and make adjustments as necessary. The diagram below shows the six elements of the personal curriculum and you can find out more about how we incorporate these elements by clicking on the link below the diagram.
You can find further information about some of the activities we offer as part of the personal curriculum Here.
Please find below some useful remote learning links for you to access when not attending school.
Senecalearning Free student resources
Teachitmaths Register for free
Teachitscience Register for Free
Teachitenglish Register for Free
Teachitlanguages Register for Free
Teachitgeography Register for Free
Teachithistory Register for Free
bbc.co.uk/bitesize/secondary Daily lessons and resources available for virtual learning
Thenational.academy The Oak Academy on-line resources