
Safeguarding and Child Protection is extremely important to us. All members of staff are trained to level 2 in Safeguarding and Child Protection. The Executive Head is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Head of School (SENCO) and a Key Teacher (Clare Varley), are the deputy designated safeguarding officers. They are all trained to level 3 and attend regular safeguarding forums. Those involved in recruitment have had Safer Recruitment training and we adhere to all local authority advice and guidance regarding safer recruitment.  All members of the team have also undergone Child Sexual Exploitation training and we work within the PREVENT guidelines.

The education team work closely with the wider hospital team and our safeguarding procedures are fully aligned with those of the hospital.

Many if our students have been victims of abuse and we know that young people with mental health difficulties can be particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. We do not shy away from teaching difficult topics and young people are always supported appropriately when sensitive topics are dealt with during PSHE and RSE lessons. (Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education, Relationships and Sex Education.)

If you have any concerns which you feel we need to be aware of, or which you wish to discuss, please contact our safeguarding team or call our main number 01702 538138 and ask for safeguarding.

Charlotte Baulch          Designated Safeguarding Lead

Clare Varley                Designated Safeguarding Deputy



Poplar Education Education Department seeks to foster a warm, welcoming and respectful environment, which allows us to question and challenge discrimination and inequality, resolve conflicts peacefully and work and learn free from harassment and violence. We recognise that there are similarities and differences between individuals and groups but we will strive to ensure that our differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning and to create inclusive processes and practices, where the varying needs of individuals and groups are identified and met.

The overall aims of our equality policy seek to:


We are especially aware that many of our young people are in the process of exploring their sexuality and gender identity. We support young people by referring to them by their preferred names and pronouns.

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